Sunday, February 1, 2009

Bring it on!

Okay, have you ever been here? You are going along, no problems (so to speak) and then wham! Out of no where this mean thing we'll call "Joy Robber"tries to do just that, rob my joy. So I am enjoying a this nice moment when God has called me to not respond to "Joy Robber".

If you have known me for two seconds, you will know that to not respond is like telling the sun not to shine. Okay maybe not that inevitable, but God is asking a lot of me right now. He is calling me to step back and not respond. To not right a wrong, to walk away from a firey arrow thrown my way. Is that possible?

Well, I have good news. I have begun to trust the Lord with this part of my life and as hard as it is, I can say I have never felt better. To not be responsbile to correct this "Joy Robber" has taken a load off. Tonight, I was venting with Him how it is not fair that this is the response God has called me to. He so sweetly, in the midst of my cries to Him of how it just doesn't make sense to walk away with out voicing anything, reminds me of a simple yet powerful point. Hejust kept saying to my aching heart, "Do you trust me more than the "Joy Robber's" wrong? "

Well, put that way of course I trust him more than anything. I know His heart is always good towards me and I can trust him. As soon as I let that sink in my still aching heart, something miraclous happened. I didn't care anymore that I clearly had solid ground to stand on with "Joy Robber", but it didn't matter anymore. All that mattered is I wanted more of what God has for me in my life. It is so much easier to receive that than to make sure I communicate to the "Joy Robber" what it has done to me.

Now all I say is, "Bring it on!" You can't rob from me what is not yours to take!

Thanks for letting me share! Hopefully it made sense to some of you, if not you need to catch someone who has learned "Tammyese" fluently and can translate.